Animal Raising Initiatives Bring New Opportunity
The field staff of local partner Proyecto Aldea Global has been busy giving training sessions of up to 40 hours each to 45 new program participants in six communities. They also follow up on the 46 families in seven other communities whose ventures have been up and running since 2018.
Families may choose to raise honeybees, chickens, pigs, or fish, then receive instruction on building structures like raised chicken coops, hives, tilapia ponds and pigpens to house the animals. Much attention is given to how and what to feed them and how to keep them healthy. A leader from each community receives health kits equipped with basic veterinary medicines for hens and pigs. These leaders are selected for their demonstrated leadership skills, service, honesty, and technical knowledge.
Participants learn business management principles and marketing strategies, including ways to add value to their products. For example, those who raise chickens took a course in making and selling homemade bread to generate more income now that they have a surplus of eggs.
As in many of the programs that Growing Hope supports around the world, Proyecto Aldea Global helps these communities to establish working alliances with municipal authorities for infrastructure and other support. And participants continually invite new families in by “passing on the gift” of some of the chicks, piglets, bees or fingerlings they raise.
Thanks to your generosity and support:
- Since 2018, 90 families have benefited from income-generating projects around eggs, honey, bread, meat and fish
- Child nutrition has improved in families with animal projects, according to an evaluation by local health posts
Honduras Comayagua Program
Led by Church of the Brethren and Local Partner Proyecto Aldea Global