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Sourcing Bean Seed Locally: A Win for Tanzania

June 21, 2024

High-quality, reliable bean seeds will soon be sourced locally, thanks to a collaboration between Mbeya farmers, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute (TOSCI), and agricultural extension […]

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Improving Food Systems Through Diversification

June 18, 2024

Judith knows that opportunities like learning about diversified farming don’t necessarily come every day. That’s why she values each resource and bit of knowledge presented to her and intends to […]

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A Bridge to a Better Life

June 14, 2024

Cyprian feels as though this program was specifically designed with him in mind, since every new practice he learns meets a need and allows him to improve his farming results. […]

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Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

The money Lagbemba was able to save with his VSLA (Village Savings & Lending Association) group has made a big difference in his quality of life, helped him start a […]

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So Much to Learn from Farmers Groups

Participants in village farmers groups love attending meetings, which are an opportunity to socialize as well as learn new ways to meet their families’ nutritional and economic needs. Rajia and […]

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Demystifying Nutritious Food

May 13, 2024

Agustina is elated to know that cooking nutritious food is within reach of everyone, not just the wealthy. She attended a cooking demonstration given by Church World Service, local partner […]

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Farming Yields More Than Food

Yes, Gollete was grateful to receive instruction in a variety of sustainable farm practices suited to the climate. Yes, her soil is more fertile and her harvests have improved. Yes, […]

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The Calm After the Storm

“Once bitten, twice shy” is a well-known saying about learning from bad experiences. But Claudia has overcome her mistrust of Savings and Internal Lending Communities stemming from a failed group, […]

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