
Growing Lasting Solutions to Hunger


Programs in Need

The agricultural development programs we support create a lasting impact by addressing the root causes of hunger. This includes training on improved farming practices, hygiene and nutrition; providing access to land and clean water; and providing women’s empowerment and leadership opportunities.

These programs serve all people regardless of race, gender, belief, nationality, ethnic origin, or political persuasion.

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$103,997 needed of $120,000

Senegal Fatick

Training women in gardening skills in a dry climate

Lead Member: World Renew


$103,871 needed of $130,000

Cameroon Far North

Cereal bank creation and improved agricultural production methods

Lead Member: Presbyterian Church (USA)


$103,813 needed of $220,000

Honduras Macuelizo

Improving crops, nutrition, access to water, disaster risk reduction

Lead Member: Church World Service (CWS)


$99,826 needed of $120,000

Tanzania Mbeya

Sustainable agriculture training and value chain improvements

Lead Member: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)


$95,922 needed of $140,000

Malawi Blantyre

Working with smallholder farmers to improve access to markets

Lead Member: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)


$92,000 needed of $190,000

Kenya West Pokot

Bio-intensive farming, agroforestry, and drought tolerant crops

Lead Member: Covenant World Relief & Development


$84,909 needed of $173,659

Nicaragua Carazo Diriamba

Accessing safe water, diversified farming, and empowering local churches

Lead Member: Church World Service (CWS)


$79,800 needed of $110,000

Sierra Leone Liberia Youth

Engaging youth to produce and store staple crops to build community food reserves

Lead Member: Presbyterian Church (USA)


$79,722 needed of $130,000

Tanzania Arusha

Agriculture and business training for women

Lead Member: Convoy of Hope


$77,208 needed of $151,591

Peru Castrovirreyna

Improving family income with dairy products

Lead Member: Lutheran World Relief (LWR)


$74,250 needed of $125,000

Nicaragua Conquista Nandaime

Sustainable agriculture training and access to safe water

Lead Member: World Renew


$67,121 needed of $100,000

Nicaragua Matagalpa

Improving resilience to climate change by diversifying crops and developing community leadership

Lead Member: World Renew


$63,590 needed of $130,000

Nicaragua Boaco Camoapa

Improving farming techniques to address climate change challenges

Lead Member: World Renew


$63,399 needed of $121,307

Uganda Rwenzori

Improving profitability and coffee picking and processing

Lead Member: Lutheran World Relief (LWR)


$59,250 needed of $120,000

West Africa

Training on gardening, rice production, chicken raising and nutrition

Lead Member: World Renew


$59,250 needed of $120,000

Bolivia North Potosí

Working with indigenous farmers on sustainable farming practices

Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)


$59,100 needed of $120,000

Paraguay Lower Chaco

Working with Indigenous communities on leadership, gardening, water and livestock

Lead Member: Church World Service (CWS)


$54,983 needed of $100,000

Nicaragua Estelí

Improved soil health, crop diversification, and community savings

Lead Member: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)


$51,326 needed of $189,758

Guatemala Nebaj Quetzaltenango

Working with indigenous communities to improve nutrition and food security

Lead Member: Church World Service (CWS)


$50,281 needed of $108,849

Palestine Tubas

Small breed herd management

Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
Supporting Member: CC (DOC) Week of Compassion


$50,023 needed of $86,930

Bangladesh Kendua

Improving nutrition and food security through kitchen gardens and self-help groups

Lead Member: World Renew


$50,000 needed of $100,000

Indonesia West Timor

Sustainable agriculture practices to improve access to adequate, nutritious and affordable food

Lead Member: Church World Service (CWS)
Supporting Member: UCC


$50,000 needed of $96,511

Nepal Jahada

Improving food security and nutrition for landless and land-poor families

Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)


$50,000 needed of $100,721

Tanzania Hanang

Integrated Agriculture, Gender, and Household Livelihood Security

Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)


$50,000 needed of $90,000

Zambia Lundazi

Addressing food security and nutrition with a holistic approach

Lead Member: World Renew


$50,000 needed of $100,000

Myanmar Nyaungdon

Homestead gardening, access to markets and improved cultivation methods for greater resilience

Lead Member: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)


$49,932 needed of $103,321

Uganda Rubanda

Conservation agriculture and other soil fertility restoration practices

Lead Member: World Renew


$48,488 needed of $126,615

Colombia Sincelejo Montes de Maria

Training in agriculture and community organizing

Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)


$46,644 needed of $150,600

Timor-Leste Liquica

Irrigation, animal raising and crop diversification for improved nutrition

Lead Member: Church World Service (CWS)
Supporting Member: UCC


$46,250 needed of $100,000

Kenya Igembe

Food security, savings and lending, nutrition and sanitation

Lead Member: World Renew


$45,000 needed of $121,646

Burkina Faso Boulkiemde

Promoting conservation agriculture for improved production

Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)


$44,250 needed of $88,224

Cambodia South

Enhancing farm productivity and access to markets

Lead Member: World Renew


$40,296 needed of $45,000

Cambodia Tbong Khmum

Livelihood opportunities to prevent human trafficking, unsafe migration and gender based violence

Lead Member: World Hope International (WHI)


$38,558 needed of $74,920

India Dimoria

Increased production and diversity through sustainable agriculture practices

Lead Member: World Renew


$30,426 needed of $40,000

Cambodia Mondulkiri

Working with indigenous Bunong farmers to grow and market crops

Lead Member: World Hope International (WHI)


$30,361 needed of $80,000

Bangladesh Dewanganj

Local leadership, sustainable agriculture and crop diversification

Lead Member: World Renew


$29,250 needed of $62,300

Mexico Chiapas Ocosingo

Conservation farming, leadership development, and access to safe water

Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)


$23,240 needed of $59,999

Honduras Orocuina & Liure

Agricultural savings groups for improved food security

Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)


$22,337 needed of $37,781

Haiti Baie-de-Henne

Increasing resilience through soil conservation and diversifying livelihoods

Lead Member: Church World Service (CWS)


$8,980 needed of $15,980

Rwanda Huye

Kitchen garden training

Lead Member: Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM)


$5,329 needed of $15,000

Zambia Copperbelt

Conservation agriculture and soil regeneration for increased food production

Lead Member: Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM)



Democratic Republic of Congo Village Savings

Village Savings and Lending Groups

Lead Member: United Methodist Comm on Relief


Lebanon South

Empower Lebanese and Syrian women and their families through agricultural training

Lead Member: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)


Guatemala Sayaxché

Working with indigenous Q’eqchi’ communities on beekeeping, poultry, gardening and nutrition

Lead Member: World Renew


Haiti Jean Rabel

Soil conservation, animal husbandry, and crop diversification for greater resilience to disasters

Lead Member: Church World Service (CWS)
