Food Security Improves Family Dynamics
Champa is not the only one in her family who has a brighter outlook these days. As a Model Farmer who provides food and income for her family, her previously difficult husband now supports her in her farming work, and her in-laws appreciate her more too.
When Champa’s husband became unemployed, they had no other income source, and her husband and father-in-law were an unhappy, threatening presence. The constant tension in the home she and her husband share with her in-laws made life difficult.
Fortunately, local partner SATHI (Sustainable Association for Taking Human Development Initiatives) started nutrition-focused agriculture activities in their area. Champa was invited to join a women’s self-help group, whose members eventually selected her to receive Model Farmer training. This meant she learned about soil preparation, composting, organic pest control, kitchen gardening and raising poultry.
The woman who once feared her husband and father-in-law’s outbursts, and whose children were hungry, now uses her knowledge and experience to grow abundant vegetables year-round. With her initial earnings, she bought and raised five chickens and five Chinese ducks. She began to meet her family’s dietary needs and then some, selling extra vegetables, eggs and meat to her neighbors.
Champa’s husband began working side-by-side with her in the garden and with the poultry. After talking it over with him, she took out a small loan from the Agriculture Food Security Fund, and leased a tenth of an acre of land for vegetable cultivation. They now grow enough that her husband can sell their excess at the local market. Her in-laws also began showing her respect. The household became a more pleasant place to be.
Champa’s reputation as a Model Farmer continues to grow. She trains other self-help group members and neighbor women in organic vegetable production. She also has a small business vaccinating poultry.
Champa’s dream is that her daughters, now just three and five, will one day be able to study and become agricultural officers. She wants them to play a role in helping their community to be food secure and peaceful.
“I now have a peaceful family, we have enough to eat and money to cover other expenses, and I can reasonably hope for a good life for my daughters,” says Champa.
Bangladesh Kendua Program
Led by World Renew and Local Partner Sustainable Association for Taking Human Development Initiatives (SATHI)