Going Organic with Traditional Grains
Growing traditional cereal crops using organic farming practices is allowing Chinna, his wife, Maremma, and their eight children to feel greater food security even during frequent droughts.
Prior to joining the program, the family grew cotton for income. Increasing drought meant their yields didn’t bring in enough to support the farm and household. The program promotes growing nutritious cereal crops from traditional seeds that have adapted well to this semi-arid climate with little rainfall.
So Chinna converted their 3-acre farm to food grains rather than cotton. He dedicated two acres to sorghum – one of the major staple food crops in this area of India – a half acre to pearl millet, and another half acre to wheat. Organic practices like composting and making natural pesticides and insecticides save them money, and the grain they produce is more nutritious. The family plans to use their harvested cereals for food rather than for sale. Most of the family works as farm laborers and bring in money that way.
Chinna and family are happy with their crops, and feel they will be able to put wholesome food on the table even during dry years.
Thanks to Your Support and Generosity
- Area farmers have access to affordable, locally-produced traditional seeds
- Organic farming is sustainable and saves them money
- Nutrition training encourages people to be mindful of the need for variety in their diets
India South Program
Led by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Local Partner Chethana