Pray for Peace
Conflict, violence, insecurity, political unrest, instability, crisis, hostility, war. These are words we hear all too often in the world today. In fact, more than one third of the programs Growing Hope Globally supports around the world are in countries that are currently dealing with one or more of these issues.
We often get asked about how a particular situation is impacting the programs we support. Unfortunately, we don’t often know the specifics as the circumstances on the ground change rapidly. When we lack information, we simply pray for peace and for the opportunity for all of our neighbors around the world to thrive.
One of the things we regularly hear from our partners is that they appreciate our flexibility and the way we are willing to work with them to adjust to rapidly changing situations. There may be times when a program needs to end earlier than expected or take a pause to reorganize after plans are thwarted, and we are grateful to our supporters for their patience during this process.
Even in the midst of challenging situations, the programs we support bring hope. The following is an expert from a recent report from the Haiti Mole St. Nicolas program, implemented by Church World Service and their local partner in Haiti.
“Despite all the difficulties during this reporting period related to fuel crises, political instability, gang violence, insecurity, inflation, food insecurity, school closure, etc., the program was able to continue. Most importantly, it provided an essential and very welcome relief to participating families. Without the program, the situation would have been even worse. Despite the difficult times, whenever a family was able to participate in an activity of the program, we saw hope reflecting on their faces.”
The Uganda Teso program, implemented by World Renew and KIDO, ended a few years ago. Simon, the director of KIDO said the following.
“We appreciate the relationship that Growing Hope Globally (formerly FRB) has built with the people of Teso. Your faith and patience in us has allowed us to achieve many things, even through the challenging times. When you returned in 2015 to help after the drought, we saw additional quick results because the relationship was already established. We feel that even though you are not directly here you still care about what happens here.”
Please join us in praying for peace and thank you for helping us to offer a glimmer of hope during dark times.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. –Psalm 46: 1-3