Satisfying a Hunger for Knowledge
Women like Elizabeth who participate in this new program’s Farmer Groups are already experiencing the benefits of practicing sustainable farming and animal husbandry. Dimoria builds on the successes in Umsning and Patharkhmah supported by local partner North East India Committee on Relief and Development (NEICORD).
Elizabeth is the secretary for her group of 11 farmers. She says, “Our dream is to increase the variety of our agricultural practices to get higher yields. That way, we can eat better at home and also increase family income.” Key to their success was educating themselves on Nutrition and “WASH” (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene). That background in turn led to learning how to keep kitchen gardens and improve the taste and nutritive value of the vegetables they grow through composting and using animal manure.
She continues, “I am extremely happy to be part of the group. I have already availed myself of many workshops, and try to use everything I learn. For example, through bookkeeping training my goal is to maintain our group’s accounts.
“From the training I received on livestock rearing I have learned a better method of pig rearing. My family has always kept pigs in the traditional way, but we’ve adopted much more efficient practices that are also more profitable. I have purchased two piglets and am raising them with my new knowledge. I share everything I know with the rest of the family to be sure we all follow the same principles.”
The Farmers Group is also saving money together and has decided to give low-interest loans to members for farming inputs. NEICORD helped them get sweet-orange and dragon fruit saplings from the Agriculture Department which they planted after a practicum on fruit trees.
Elizabeth says she speaks for all of her group members when she expresses thanks for “helping poor farmers like us realize our dreams.”
India Dimoria Program
Led by World Renew and Local Partner North East India Committee on Relief and Development (NEICORD)