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One Innovation Follows Another

July 20, 2023

“Thank God this program landed at just the right time,” says Henry, who had been feeling despondent over his fruitless farming efforts in the face of drought and poor soils. […]

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Helping People Stay Put… With Chickens

September 20, 2022

People everywhere love their homes, families and communities, and generally choose to stay put, if they can, rather than take the huge risk of leaving to look for work. Local […]

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Household Advisors Share Their Expertise

June 1, 2022

“Learn, do and share” is the refrain of the program’s cadre of Household Advisors. These women and men receive training in one of the sectors covered by the program, such […]

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“Worming” Her Way To Success

December 8, 2021

As a successful farmer and businesswoman, Momotaz no longer feels the helplessness that characterized her life before she joined a women’s Self-Help Group in 2017 under the auspices of local […]

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Working Her Way Out of Poverty

August 3, 2021

Hasina’s constant search for ways to earn a steady income has finally met with success, now that she has joined the program run by local partner SATHI. She took out […]

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Shocked By Her Own Success

June 28, 2021

In 2019, after years of poor farming results, Saweria experienced a complete crop failure because of a severe drought. In order to feed her three children, she says she resorted […]

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Savings Groups Meet with Success

May 17, 2021

Last year Gladis attended – with skepticism – a meeting about Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) supported by local partner Fundación San Lucas. This year, after seeing what her […]

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Raising Chickens Inspires Community Cohesion

April 16, 2021

Local partner APIDEC’s early baseline training modules in poultry raising have benefited the community during and after the March-September 2020 pandemic lockdown order. Because the program started during the dry […]

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