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Easy AND Productive

November 3, 2023

Farmers like Camilo thought growing corn was pretty easy, but that poor yields were just par for the course. Now, however, after receiving training in more effective agricultural practices, they […]

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A Glimmer of Hope During Desperate Times

September 20, 2022

It has been a calamitous year for many in the western highlands of Guatemala. Unemployment, COVID and the war in Ukraine have caused shortages of food, fuel and finances that […]

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The Satisfaction Of Educating Others

March 1, 2022

Imagine retiring from teaching school and then continuing to teach in the community at large for 20+ years because it’s just so satisfying. That’s how it happened for Miguel, a […]

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Life is Better in So Many Ways

January 12, 2022

Now that they have a tank to store rainwater in, Maribel and her family are no longer completely limited to producing food in the unpredictable rainy season. She says, “Through […]

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Impossible Dreams? Not Any Longer

January 7, 2022

Preparing chicken soup with basil, oregano, and green bananas, or the fried fish that Esmeralda’s son and husband like so much, is easier and safer with the new eco-stove in […]

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Not Abandoned, Empowered

October 18, 2021

Contrary to what Elena feared when her husband abandoned her and their five children, new farming knowledge and skills are enabling the family to have a much better life than […]

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