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Same Farm, Different Farming

January 22, 2024

Whereas Juan Alberto once grew only corn and “beans if we could get them,” he now has a diversified farm that enables him to cope with unpredictable swings between drought […]

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A Glimmer of Hope During Desperate Times

September 20, 2022

It has been a calamitous year for many in the western highlands of Guatemala. Unemployment, COVID and the war in Ukraine have caused shortages of food, fuel and finances that […]

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The Satisfaction Of Educating Others

March 1, 2022

Imagine retiring from teaching school and then continuing to teach in the community at large for 20+ years because it’s just so satisfying. That’s how it happened for Miguel, a […]

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Community Members Confirm Progress

November 3, 2021

After disruptive heavy rains in January 2021, communities planted vegetable gardens that were immediately affected by excessive heat, But the farmers persisted in their efforts and by the end of […]

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New Farming Practices Improve Family Finances

March 1, 2021

Ramona’s family has always depended on agriculture to survive. With support and encouragement from local partner CIEETS, they’re finally beginning to thrive. She and her family used to plant only […]

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