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Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

June 14, 2024

The money Lagbemba was able to save with his VSLA (Village Savings & Lending Association) group has made a big difference in his quality of life, helped him start a […]

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Farm Radio: Effective Teaching Tool

December 28, 2023

For years, farm radio has been a great way for U.S. farmers to learn new information. In West Africa, Todima has found radio to be an important way for her […]

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Food is Medicine

July 20, 2023

Yiebo’s big “aha” moment came when she realized that eating vegetables was healthier than selling them. Yiebo started a kitchen garden about five years ago when the community decided growing […]

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Fake It Till You Make It

January 23, 2023

Even though Anissa knew nothing about running a business, she volunteered to be a Household Advisor on Small Business at the urging of a trainer because she knew she’d receive […]

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Household Advisors Share Their Expertise

June 1, 2022

“Learn, do and share” is the refrain of the program’s cadre of Household Advisors. These women and men receive training in one of the sectors covered by the program, such […]

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Inspiring Others at “Sharing Meetings”

December 8, 2021

Local partner SEL often combines field visits or training sessions with “sharing meetings” to give participants a chance to express how their lives have changed, and for others to take […]

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A Little Advice Goes A Long Way

June 3, 2021

At a recent gathering called a “sharing meeting,” a woman named Banyua related how her animal husbandry business experienced a complete turnaround with the help of a Household Advisor.  These […]

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VSL Helps Women Help Themselves

November 24, 2020

Halima wanted to start a small business to support her family, but she did not have enough money for start-up capital. She reached out to several business people asking them […]

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