Thoughts From A Faithful Supporter
Pam VanderBee is a long-time supporter of the Fremont, Michigan Growing Project. She recently shared how she got started and what her involvement means to her:
ATTENTION! CORN MAZE AHEAD! It was the Harvest Celebration for the Newaygo County-Fremont Area Growing Project. This was my first experience with Growing Hope Globally. I wanted to know more!
A phone call to Growing Project leader Howard Boerman opened an entire WORLD of farming to me. Howard was passionate and inspiring as he shared his love of community, farming, helping others and how my field would help others globally. I learned that our local project joins other farmers, churches, businesses and communities from across the United States. Together, we are in partnership as a Christian response to World Hunger.
I was hooked and totally “IN”. I own a small piece of land west of Fremont with nearly 14 acres of the prettiest field in Newaygo County. This field was destined to be more. The land rent from my field has been used to help fund and support local, state, national and world solutions to hunger.
Every summer, Growing Hope supporters gather together in one of the Growing Hope communities for the annual meeting. I have had the opportunity to attend one in Iowa and another in Byron Center, Michigan. It’s a group of sincere, committed, and dedicated folks sharing ideas and energy. Participants then return home energized and ready to spread the giving spirit in their own community.
Now, 21 years later, our Fremont Project of Growing Hope is thriving. Growing Hope Globally is going strong in countries beyond our borders. Sustainable agricultural development programs are across the Globe; it all began in small farming communities like ours!