India Dimoria
$0 needed of $74,920

Implementing Organization
World Renew
Program Summary
This program is implemented by World Renew and local partner North East India Committee on Relief and Development (NEICORD). It builds upon the learning from successful programs in Umsning and Patharkhmah. It uses a similar model of forming Farmers Groups where men and women organize separately at the beginning of the program, receiving training and tools for success and learning from one another. The Farmer Groups then join together into Village Committees and then come together to form Farmers Federations. In this way the program has started from Day 1 with a plan for local leadership development and long-term sustainability and success.
The Goal of the Program is improved food and nutrition security for 749 households in Dimoria Block by July 2026.
The program expects to achieve the following outcomes:
• Increased food production and diversity through sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture practices.
• Increased farm income to enable greater food and nutrition availability and affordability.
• Improved health of the community as a result of improved food and nutrition security.
• Strengthened institutional capacity to manage the food and nutrition security intervention.
Anita's Story - India Dimoria Program
Success Stories

Farmer Group Membership Leads to a Better Life
For Elizabeth, things started to look up when she and 10 other women formed a farmers group under the auspices of local partner North East India Committee on Relief and Development (NEICORD). Until then, her family depended mostly on their small farm and any meager earnings they could get from day labor, and life was a struggle.
The other women elected Elizabeth as the group’s secretary, though she had never kept records of any kind and certainly not for a group. NEICORD gave her bookkeeping training so she could carry out her responsibilities confidently. Now she is able not only to keep the group’s records but teach other members how, which comes in handy at home as well.
Elizabeth says, “NEICORD also offered training to our group members on health, nutrition, improving water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH principles), kitchen gardening and composting, conservation farming techniques, and adding value to what we produce and sell. This is the first opportunity any of us has ever had to receive such instruction. It has been so helpful.”
After learning all about home gardening, she immediately began a kitchen garden right by her house. She cultivates a variety of vegetables including garlic, mustard, beans, tomatoes, and carrots. She’s delighted that her garden provides a regular supply of good quality vegetables that contain “all kinds of vitamins and minerals,” she says.
“As a mother, it makes me happy that my children are eating nutritious, delicious, chemical-free food that I grow for them, and that I have enough to share with my neighbors. I’d always had to buy any vegetables we ate at the weekly market, but now I can save that money and use it for other purposes for my family.”
India Dimoria Program
Led by World Renew and Local Partner North East India Committee on Relief and Development (NEICORD)