
Nicaragua Nicaragua Boaco Camoapa


$63,590 needed of $130,000

Implementing Organization

World Renew

Program Summary

Located in the mountainous central region of Nicaragua, this program works with farmers to recognize challenges that arise from a changing climate due to trends in deforestation and identify farming techniques and crops that help them have more resilient livelihoods. Families are increasing their resilience by participating in regional farmer field schools, savings and internal lending communities, community seed banks, business workshops, and leadership training.

Absalon's Story - Nicaragua Boaco Camoapa

Zaida's Story - Nicaragua Boaco Camoapa

Success Stories

Farming Know-How: The Greatest Legacy

Juana is an elder who has the respect of families in her community because of her years of working toward the common good. Her biggest fan, however, just might be her little grandson.

He accompanies his “abuela” whenever she attends training sessions related to agriculture given by local partner Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes de Nicaragua (ACJ) at their Farmer Field School. The two of them enjoy learning together. She helps him understand, and to use their new-found knowledge back at home.

“He knows how to plant vegetables and harvest them. I can say with confidence that when he grows up, he will have a means of livelihood to avoid food scarcity. He will be able to say that his grandmother passed on her knowledge to him and taught him how to cultivate the land.”

Though Juana is recognized in her community as a midwife, she has spent her whole life working in farming. She realized agriculture has changed with climate and globalization, and there’s always something new to learn that might help her and her family not only survive but thrive. Therefore, she joined a farmer group in 2020 led by ACJ technicians who provided some vegetable seeds, and began her journey with the program.

She received training in a variety of life skills that led her to start saving money in a “Savings and Internal Lending Community” group. The savings cycles help alleviate some needs in her family, as she can now borrow money to establish her crops and cover some expenses. “I’ve had good experience working in these groups, and the best part is that I share what I know with my family.”

She serves as an example for future generations, and families in the community look up to her because they consider her a person open to change. They listen to her ideas and opinions, and this motivates her to continue moving forward. Whenever she can, she focuses on engaging in activities that will be of use to her grandson. He is more than willing to participate, as he is the type of child who loves farming and loves to learn. Especially with his abuela.

Nicaragua Boaco Camoapa
Led by World Renew and Local Partner Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes de Nicaragua (ACJ)
