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A Bridge to a Better Life

June 14, 2024

Cyprian feels as though this program was specifically designed with him in mind, since every new practice he learns meets a need and allows him to improve his farming results. […]

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Thinking Beyond

December 28, 2023

Even though Hellen just joined the Farmer Field School in her village in July of 2023, life for her and her family has already improved. She immediately began attending sensitization […]

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Adopting All the Skills

January 7, 2022

You’d have to search far and wide before finding a more determined farmer than Lucy. Since joining her village’s Farmer Field School, she has started implementing all the new practices […]

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Shocked By Her Own Success

June 28, 2021

In 2019, after years of poor farming results, Saweria experienced a complete crop failure because of a severe drought. In order to feed her three children, she says she resorted […]

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