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Sourcing Bean Seed Locally: A Win for Tanzania

June 21, 2024

High-quality, reliable bean seeds will soon be sourced locally, thanks to a collaboration between Mbeya farmers, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute (TOSCI), and agricultural extension […]

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Farming for the Future. In the Present.

November 7, 2023

“The demonstration plot here at the farmer field school has helped me a lot,” says David. He is a young coffee farmer whose hands-on training is enabling him to improve […]

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Two Heads Are Better than One

August 11, 2023

Juhudi is chair of his farmers group, a member of a Savings and Internal Lending Community (SILC), and has greatly improved his farm yields by participating in many training opportunities. […]

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The Road to Prosperity

February 6, 2023

Joyce did not hold back when asked how soymilk processing has helped her family. As one of 45 smallholder women farmers selected to receive training and a soymilk processing kit, […]

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Conserving Soils Key to Resiliency

July 28, 2022

Doña Silvia confirms that, as expressed by the subtitle of the program (“Somos Resilientes”), she and her family are indeed resilient. Except for her husband’s seasonal work picking coffee, agriculture […]

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Restoring the Soil, Improving Farming

December 8, 2021

When technicians from local partner Caritas Estelí first presented soil restoration as a means of improving resilience to worsening weather patterns, Doña Emma says she and the 40 other farmers […]

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No More Selling Solo

November 3, 2021

Rose is one of 17 newly-trained Marketing Private Service Providers who were challenged by the program to start ten marketing groups among farmers in their areas. The 19 women and […]

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Women Flourish as Livestock Service Providers

October 9, 2020

When Saroj first learned about an opportunity to become a livestock private service provider through the program, she thought it would be a great opportunity to improve her family’s circumstances. […]

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