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A Bridge to a Better Life

June 14, 2024

Cyprian feels as though this program was specifically designed with him in mind, since every new practice he learns meets a need and allows him to improve his farming results. […]

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The Calm After the Storm

May 13, 2024

“Once bitten, twice shy” is a well-known saying about learning from bad experiences. But Claudia has overcome her mistrust of Savings and Internal Lending Communities stemming from a failed group, […]

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Something’s Fishy in Jahada

July 20, 2023

Community savings and loan groups are a good way for women in the programs we support around the world to get ahead. But how can they save money without having […]

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Dreams Coming True

June 22, 2023

“Acquiring the culture of saving money,” as Robert put it, means moving beyond the endless poverty loop of spending every cent you earn. Village Savings and Lending (VSL) training has allowed […]

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Abandoned? Empowered.

April 25, 2023

If anyone thinks migration to other countries is an easy way out for Central American communities, they should ask the families left behind. Especially the women. When it’s no longer […]

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