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A Bridge to a Better Life

June 14, 2024

Cyprian feels as though this program was specifically designed with him in mind, since every new practice he learns meets a need and allows him to improve his farming results. […]

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With Knowledge Comes … Everything Else

November 16, 2023

There’s a good chance that farmers everywhere might smile in recognition as Douglas tells how he and his fellow farmers first reacted to the idea of practicing Conservation Agriculture. “We […]

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April 25, 2023

Josias has seen an important increase in his yields after following Conservation Agriculture (CA) principles for the first time in his life. Local Partner Central Church of Africa Presbyterian, Zambia […]

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More Than Just a Cover Crop

Rather than buying nitrogen to fertilize his corn and bean crops, Isaí is growing his own. Ever since he started farming 18 years ago, he’s watched his yields go down […]

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Abandoned? Empowered.

If anyone thinks migration to other countries is an easy way out for Central American communities, they should ask the families left behind. Especially the women. When it’s no longer […]

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Work First, Blessings Later

Ramón says, “Ever since I knew my name was Ramon, I have been working the soil in order to put food on the table. I knew that any time I […]

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