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The Calm After the Storm

May 13, 2024

“Once bitten, twice shy” is a well-known saying about learning from bad experiences. But Claudia has overcome her mistrust of Savings and Internal Lending Communities stemming from a failed group, […]

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Thinking Beyond

December 28, 2023

Even though Hellen just joined the Farmer Field School in her village in July of 2023, life for her and her family has already improved. She immediately began attending sensitization […]

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With Knowledge Comes … Everything Else

November 16, 2023

There’s a good chance that farmers everywhere might smile in recognition as Douglas tells how he and his fellow farmers first reacted to the idea of practicing Conservation Agriculture. “We […]

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Farming for the Future. In the Present.

November 7, 2023

“The demonstration plot here at the farmer field school has helped me a lot,” says David. He is a young coffee farmer whose hands-on training is enabling him to improve […]

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More Than Just a Cover Crop

April 25, 2023

Rather than buying nitrogen to fertilize his corn and bean crops, Isaí is growing his own. Ever since he started farming 18 years ago, he’s watched his yields go down […]

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Encouraged and Empowered

In the message of women’s empowerment she receives from her involvement in this program, Dulce María hears an echo of the way her grandmother would inspire her when she was […]

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Friendly With Nature

August 26, 2022

When Martín first heard about an opportunity to farm sustainably in 2018, he instantly recognized that “this was something we needed.” The intervening years have proven him right. He says, […]

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Conserving Soils Key to Resiliency

July 28, 2022

Doña Silvia confirms that, as expressed by the subtitle of the program (“Somos Resilientes”), she and her family are indeed resilient. Except for her husband’s seasonal work picking coffee, agriculture […]

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