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Improving the Soil for the Children

April 13, 2022

Local partner ADIP is pleased with the progress of a particular community where so many of the families are putting into practice the conservation farming techniques they’ve been exposed to. […]

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If It Dies, It Produces Many Seeds

March 18, 2022

Scripture: Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it […]

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Beekeeping Knowledge Passed On

November 3, 2021

Don Adilio, an established beekeeper from a former program community, has been passing on his knowledge and expertise to others in conjunction with local partner APIDEC. Growing Hope Globally’s partners […]

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Not Abandoned, Empowered

October 18, 2021

Contrary to what Elena feared when her husband abandoned her and their five children, new farming knowledge and skills are enabling the family to have a much better life than […]

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