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Freed From the “Prison” of Poverty

December 15, 2023

If Jailosi’s extreme poverty had been a kind of prison from which he couldn’t escape, well, his successful farming and marketing have made him a free man. Before the program […]

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Learning the Business of Farming

October 21, 2022

To earn a living from your farm, growing quality vegetables and fish is just one piece of the puzzle. Other essential pieces are knowing how to run a business and […]

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The Satisfaction Of Educating Others

March 1, 2022

Imagine retiring from teaching school and then continuing to teach in the community at large for 20+ years because it’s just so satisfying. That’s how it happened for Miguel, a […]

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No More Selling Solo

November 3, 2021

Rose is one of 17 newly-trained Marketing Private Service Providers who were challenged by the program to start ten marketing groups among farmers in their areas. The 19 women and […]

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