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One Innovation Follows Another

July 20, 2023

“Thank God this program landed at just the right time,” says Henry, who had been feeling despondent over his fruitless farming efforts in the face of drought and poor soils. […]

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Conserving Soils Key to Resiliency

July 28, 2022

Doña Silvia confirms that, as expressed by the subtitle of the program (“Somos Resilientes”), she and her family are indeed resilient. Except for her husband’s seasonal work picking coffee, agriculture […]

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Resilience to Disaster

October 18, 2021

The communities of Macuelizo were heavily affected by hurricanes Eta and Iota in late 2020. This came as no surprise, given that the country of Honduras is one of the […]

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Commercial Farming Finally Pays Off

May 3, 2021

Before Ram became involved in the program, farming was a losing proposition for him no matter how hard he worked. “I faced problems with flooding, drought, cold spells, and marketing, […]

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Building Resilience

November 17, 2020

A young couple lives on a small farm with their daughter and two sons. They grow rice on a half acre of land and make ends meet by working as […]

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