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A Success by Any Measure

December 15, 2023

Before Kalpana joined this nutrition-focused agriculture program, her family depended entirely on whatever sporadic day labor her husband, Nurul, could find. She is now a successful Model Farmer, and grows […]

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Putting it All into Practice

December 7, 2023

Aleyda’s entry into the Farmer Field School offered by local partner Centro Inter Eclesial de Estudios Tecnologicos y Sociales (CIEETS) was just the start of a new way of life […]

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Farm Improvement, Self Improvement

September 21, 2023

Though she’s not anywhere near where she wants to be, Jayka has come a long way since local partner NEICORD (North East India Committee on Relief and Development) came to […]

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Dream It, Then Believe You Can Do It

August 11, 2023

It took Thea a couple of years of participating in the program before she felt confident in her abilities. So confident that she convinced her husband to help her on […]

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