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Fresh Local Vegetables for the Tourism Trade

April 3, 2024

Indigenous Bunong people living in Mondulkiri province are growing fresh organic vegetables to enhance their income from visitors at their popular ecotourism site. Mondulkiri, located in Eastern Cambodia, along the […]

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A Success by Any Measure

December 15, 2023

Before Kalpana joined this nutrition-focused agriculture program, her family depended entirely on whatever sporadic day labor her husband, Nurul, could find. She is now a successful Model Farmer, and grows […]

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Food is Medicine

July 20, 2023

Yiebo’s big “aha” moment came when she realized that eating vegetables was healthier than selling them. Yiebo started a kitchen garden about five years ago when the community decided growing […]

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The Future of Farming: Kids

March 23, 2023

Argelia is thrilled that local partner IESII (Institute of Intercultural Studies and Research) has included children in its instruction on sustainable farming. As she puts it, “I have been able […]

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Learning the Business of Farming

October 21, 2022

To earn a living from your farm, growing quality vegetables and fish is just one piece of the puzzle. Other essential pieces are knowing how to run a business and […]

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Friendly With Nature

August 26, 2022

When Martín first heard about an opportunity to farm sustainably in 2018, he instantly recognized that “this was something we needed.” The intervening years have proven him right. He says, […]

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Small Business, Big Success

June 10, 2022

Six women – Angura, Rubi, Johura, Eti, Rumela and Najma – report that the first year of their first joint venture, a small vegetable farm, has been a success. Not […]

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