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More Income, Less Drudgery

August 15, 2022

The creation of community cereal banks is having a positive effect on farming and family food security. Local partner RELUFA reports that the grain the farmers save communally at harvest […]

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Try, Try Again … and Succeed!

January 7, 2022

Community farming was a success in M. Kaé village in 2021. Although they have worked together on a community grain bank since 2014, a lack of funds to purchase fertilizer […]

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The Old Ways are Proving to Be the Best

June 8, 2020

Farmers in Yama’s district generally cultivate crops like cotton, chilies, and vegetables. They believed they needed heavy applications of chemical fertilizers to get good yields, even though people got sick […]

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Going Organic with Traditional Grains

October 8, 2019

Growing traditional cereal crops using organic farming practices is allowing Chinna, his wife, Maremma, and their eight children to feel greater food security even during frequent droughts. Prior to joining […]

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