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Commercial Farming Finally Pays Off

May 3, 2021

Before Ram became involved in the program, farming was a losing proposition for him no matter how hard he worked. “I faced problems with flooding, drought, cold spells, and marketing, […]

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New Farming Practices Improve Family Finances

March 1, 2021

Ramona’s family has always depended on agriculture to survive. With support and encouragement from local partner CIEETS, they’re finally beginning to thrive. She and her family used to plant only […]

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Cash in the Village

September 25, 2019

After five years of participating in activities promoted by the program, Judith Mae is optimistic about the future. The mother of five says with a huge smile on her face, […]

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The Hope We Hold and The Hope We Bring

November 30, 2018

Hope applies to both sides of our organization. Webster says, “Hope is the desire and expectation of good – as ‘my hope is that you succeed.” As a farmer, I […]

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